Students Speak: What Are Your Post-Graduation Life Plans?

University of California Santa Cruz Anthropology Medallion

We asked our graduating seniors about their future plans. Their answers may surprise you!

“I’m eager to spend an extended period living in Latin America during which I can hopefully work on my Spanish and learn more about the region from a local standpoint.”
“Archaeology field school at the end of June, and then I hope to get accepted into the CRM grad program at the University of Maryland.”
“Not too sure yet.”
“Starting my PhD at the University of Michigan in primatology.”
“Taking a year off before applying to graduate school.”
“Graduate School at Clemson University M.S. in Historic Preservation.”
“I’m going to Ecuador for three months over the summer to do research at the archaeological sites Zuleta and Cochasquí and then beginning my graduate school applications.”
“Spend some time traveling, researching topics for graduate work in anthropology, practice ethnographic skills, stuff you don’t really have time for in a quarter system. I’d like to broaden my knowledge a bit before I pick a graduate school.”
Congratulations, Class of 2022! Please stay in touch!