2017-2018 Chronicle
Welcome to the 2017-2018 Anthropology Chronicle

Morgan Carter, of the UCSC Anthro Society, welcomes students at the annual OPERS fall festival in September. Anthro Society will appear at the event next year as well. (Skeletal remains not courtesy of actual Anthro Society members.) -Photo by Isabella, Anderson, Anthro Society
In this issue:
- Chair's Greeting: Once a Slug, Always a Slug
- Introducing MIA, Minorities in Anthropology
- Students Speak: What Excites You Most Within the Anthropology Field?
- Professor Alison Galloway to Retire
- Professor Lisa Rofel to Retire
- Arch Students Break New Ground at Castro Adobe
- Peer Advisers: Collaboration is Key
- More 2017-18 Anthropology News...