Five(ish) Words
Chelsea Blackmore: Fall Sabbatical, Queer Archaeology, Newberry
Don Brenneis: Listening, voice, meetings, New Zealand, universities
Melissa Caldwell: Sabbatical hiding, clotted cream, snorkeling
Nancy Chen: Blum Center. Grad Director. CRJE. EHESS.
Jon Daehnke: Starts. Stops. Starts. Tunnel. Light.
Shelly Errington: photography, drawings, reading, writing, travel
Mayanthi Fernando: The Republic Unsettled. Mayanthi settled.
Diane Gifford-Gonzalez: grandmother, SAA-President, work, love, garden
Judith Habicht-Mauche: laser broken; laser fixed; YEAH!
Andrew Mathews: climate change, Italy, chestnuts, soil erosion, plant disease
Cameron Monroe: Archaeological Research Center, Haiti, Dahomey Final Report
Megan Moodie: Tenure. Book. Nap. Dance. Write.
Olga Nájera-Ramírez: Family, success, compassion, unity, rest
Triloki Pandey: too busy with traveling, looking forward to return
Renya Ramirez: finished film, marathon book writing
Lisa Rofel: Center for Emerging Worlds, collective intellectual labor
Danilyn Rutherford: Writing, teaching, meeting, meeting, meeting
Anna Tsing: Aarhus Anthropocene videoconferencing Santa Cruz.
Matthew Wolf-Meyer: Trading the Ocean for Rivers