Five(ish) Words: Faculty Reflect on the Past Year
by The Anthropology Faculty
Mark Anderson: grad director, Boas, Harlem Renaissance, jazz, soul
Chelsea Blackmore: Mid-career, Mission fauna, Belize pirates
Don Brenneis: new knee, collaborative improvisation, meetings
Melissa Caldwell: New book, food hacking, book contract, impending sabbatical
Nancy Chen: eldercare, bioinsecurity volume, being present
Jon Daehnke: Chapters, beginnings, green chilies, new colleagues, cat-shuttling
Shelly Errington: breathing/moving, cartoons, photos, documentary, manuscript
Lars Fehren-Schmitz: Bureaucracy, Climate Change, Migration, Gratefulness, Ipayhalfamonthsalarytothepersoninventingamorethantwentyfourhourday
Mayanthi Fernando: book in press, Oakland, TENURE
Alison Galloway: Strategic plan, negotiations, new faculty, exhaustion
Diane Gifford-Gonzalez: Bookwork3, SAA President, move, garden
Judith Habicht-Mauche: Learning how to do NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis)
Susan Harding: Always start in the middle.
Andrew Mathews: Sabbatical, climate change, Italy, chestnuts, pine nuts
Cameron Monroe: Sabbatical, Bristol UK, slave trade, final monograph, Haiti
Megan Moodie: Bipedalism restored. Manuscript finished. Smile
Olga Najera-Ramirez: Two Ph.Ds., Mom, Mejicas, MSW
Triloki Pandey: Too tired to say anything.
Renya Ramirez: Finished film documentary, advised grads
Lisa Rofel: Talk, Teach, Talk, Teach, Talk!
Danilyn Rutherford: self-study edited, teaching enjoyed, plans made, letters written, back to the Stone Age book
Anna Tsing: Anthropocene conference: a new humanities-sciences bridge?
Matthew Wolf-Meyer: trains, Tonka, puzzles, Transformers & Legos