Archaeology Track Plan of Study

Archaeology uses the material evidence of human activities to understand past human lives. Archaeology at UCSC focuses on past people’s interactions with one another at the local level and within their wider social and ecological contexts.  Faculty research areas include the pre-colonial and early post-colonial history of Africa, Mesoamerica, the Caribbean, and western North America.

Each track within the Anthropology P.h.D program at UCSC requires students to take certain coursework for the first three years of study, prior to advancing to candidacy. In order to advance to candidacy in archaeology, students must complete:

Two Core Theory Courses

Must be completed during first year in the program.

270A    Archaeology Graduate Core Course: History of Archaeological Theory
270B    Archaeology Graduate Core Course: Current Directions in Archaeological Theory

Two Research Methods/Laboratory Courses

Student may substitute courses in another department with adviser approval.

202A         Skeletal Biology
203B         Forensics and Bioarchaeology
207A         Methods and Research in Molecular Anthropology
207B         Methods and Research in Isotopic Analysis
280/280L   Ceramic Analysis/Ceramic Analysis Laboratory
285           Osteology of Mammals, Birds, Fish

Two Courses on the Archaeology of a Geographical, Temporal, or Topical Area

Student may substitute courses in another department with adviser approval.

275A    Seminar on Early African Archaeology
275B    Tutorial in Archaeology of African American Complex Societies
276A    Advanced Topics in North American Archaeology
276B    Mesoamerican Archaeology
287      Advanced Topics in Archaeology
273      Advanced Topics in Origins of Farming
274      Advanced Topics in Archaeology of Complex Societies

Two Additional Graduate Seminars

Students may substitute a graduate seminar in cultural or biological anthropology or in another department with adviser approval. Tutorials that are taught in conjunction with undergraduate courses do not count toward this requirement.

225    The Anthropology of Things: Sign, Gift, Commodity, Tool
279    Feminism and Gender in Archaeology
282    Household Archaeology

One Course in Grant Writing or Research Design

228    Grant Writing (Cultural Anthropology)
272    Advanced Archaeological Research Design

Quantitative Methods Requirement

Students in the Archaeology PhD track must demonstrate competency in statistical or computational analysis techniques appropriate to their specific dissertation research projects and professional goals. Plans for gaining and demonstrating this competency should be developed as part of the first year review for each student, in consultation with their adviser and first year committee and with the approval of the department. This competency must be demonstrated and approved by the department prior to taking the qualifying exam and advancing to candidacy. 

Two Laboratory Apprenticeships

298    Advanced Lab Apprenticeship

Complete Language Requirement

Pass the Qualifying Examination