Anthropology Graduate Handbook
The Anthropology Department
The Graduate Program Coordinator/Advisor, the Graduate Director, and Departmental Committees administer the Anthropology graduate program. If students have questions or concerns about university/program administration, policy, processes, or degree progress, the following people would be the appropriate contacts:
Lars Fehren-Schmitz, Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
Kirk Lange, Graduate and Internship Coordinator
In addition to policy matters, various Departmental Committees are responsible for awarding funds for presentations at scholarly meetings, funds for summer field work, and nominations for fellowships.
For issues related to academic and professional development, courses, academic milestones, etc., students should contact their faculty advisor.
Graduate Offices and Mailboxes
Graduate students have assigned office space located in Social Sciences I (SSI). Each student is issued an office key from the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Graduate mailboxes are located in the Graduate Lounge/Computer Lab, room 243. Be sure to check your mailbox frequently, as important announcements are placed in the mailboxes. Mail sent to campus should be addressed to:
Anthropology DepartmentSocial Sciences 1 Faculty ServicesUC Santa Cruz1156 High St.Santa Cruz, CA 95064In addition, students may receive messages and make local telephone calls from the Graduate Student Lounge. The phone number is 831-459-2409.
Graduate Web Pages
Grad student web pages can be found on the anthropology web site here.
Students are responsible for managing their own directory posting. Students may link personal web pages to their pages on the department web site. For more information on personal pages:
Graduate Computer Facilities
The graduate student computer and printer are located in the Graduate Student Lounge, room 243. There is also a computer and copy machines in the Faculty Services Mail Room, room 318.
The department will provide each anthropology graduate student with a $30 copy credit (@ $.06/copy or 500 copies) for the year. Students should not take paper from the copying machine.
Departmental Responsibilities
Department Meetings
Graduate students select a representative to attend Anthropology Department meetings, which are usually held on Wednesdays from 3:15-5:00pm.
Graduate students are required to a certain number of talks as part of our Colloquium Series (ANTH 292). This series features by guest lecturers, UCSC faculty, job candidates and others, presented several times per quarter.
Grad Lounge/Computer Lab
Graduate students are responsible for keeping the graduate lounge clean. This includes cleaning/defrosting the refrigerator, cleaning the microwave and coffee maker, and taking out the recycling bin.
Fellowship/Grant Proposals
Graduate students are expected to share successful grant proposals by providing a copy of the successful proposal to the Graduate Program Coordinator. The proposals will only be available to UCSC anthropology graduate students.
Students should also provide the award letter and funding information to the Graduate Program Coordinator for record-keeping.
Business Cards
Students who wish to purchase university business cards should contact the Graduate Program Coordinator. The department will cover the initial cost of business cards with the expectation that the student reimburses the department shortly thereafter.