Students Speak: What Are Your Post-Graduation Life Plans?


We asked our graduating seniors about their future plans. Their answers may surprise you!

“To work with women in crisis due to climate migration and the resulting socio-cultural impacts”

“Graduate school at John Hopkins”

“Graduate school! For archaeology!

“I am planning on adventuring for a year and then exploring my career opportunities!”

“Pursue grad school and work in the field of public health or forensic sciences.”

“Teaching in Spain with NALCAP”

“I plan to attend optometry school and do work in optometry research while also working to expand accessibility of the field and increase visibility of disabled medical workers”

“After graduation I plan to attend a field school and get my masters in Anthropology/Archaeology so I can go into CRM!”

“Go on to an MD or PhD!”

Congratulations, Class of 2024! Please stay in touch!