Grad Student Directory

Sophia Rose Reyes
  • Title
    • Ph.D Student
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Anthropology Department
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • Social Sciences 1, 1st Floor
  • Mail Stop Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services

Research Interests

Indigenous Studies, Science & Technology Studies, Indigenous Ecofeminisms, California Indigenous Nations of the Central Coast, Indigenous Ecosciences, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), Ethnobiology, Critical Environmental Justice, Wetland Ecologies, California Native Plants, California Conservation Politics, Anthropocene Scholarship, Community-Based Fieldwork and Ethnography, Decolonial Research 

Biography, Education and Training


B.A, University of California, San Diego, Double Major in Sociocultural Anthropology and Ethnic Studies. (2022)

M.A, University of California, Santa Cruz (2024)


Past Courses as a Teaching Assistant

ANTH 110Y-01: Feeding California (Fall 2022) 

ANTH 2: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Spring 2023, Spring 2024)

ANTH 150: Communicating Anthropology (Fall 2023)


Whose Land Are You On?

Click here to learn more about the imporant environmental stewardship work the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band does to care for their ancestral lands in Santa Cruz and beyond.

Honors, Awards and Grants

2022-2023 Regents Fellowship, UCSC

2024 California Native Plant Society Student Research Grant Awardee