Department of Anthropology Undergraduate Adviser Molly Segale has been recognized by her colleagues in the UC Santa Cruz advising community for "Creativity and Innovation" at the 2018 UCSC Winter Advising Forum on March 26, 2018.
"Molly not only created a terrific 'Enrichment Plan' for anthropology students who want to get the most out of their time at UC Santa Cruz, but also proactively shared the plan with other department advisers in case they'd like to provide similar resources for their own students," said Stacey Sketo-Rosener, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Advising. "Molly has been proactive in both thinking creatively about how to support students in making their education their own, and in inspiring other advisers to do so."
The Anthropology Enrichment Plan is a two-year program of activities designed to help students get the most out of their time at UC Santa Cruz beyond the requirements of the regular curriculum, and prepare for their next steps. It is especially geared toward transfer students, who referenced Molly in responses to a transfer student survey recently conducted by Services for Transfer and Re-entry Students (STARS). STARS Director Sara Radoff was kind enough to share some of the feedback:

The Enrichment Plan
-Molly Segale was helpful for anthropology...
-Molly Segale my advisor provided a lot of support when it came to choosing classes and understanding my opportunities.
When asked what they found most helpful in their transition to UCSC, two students simply stated, "Molly Segale".
Congratulations Molly, and thank you!