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Anthropology Digital Storytelling Internship Teaches Technical Processes - And Life Skills
August 19, 2019
Rachel Grad
Anthropology SIP interns pose with their mentors. The group included (from left), Dr. Annapurna Pandey, Julia Hansen, Aditi Hanninamane, Mariza Villegas, Kavya Iyer, and Dr. Kati Greaney.
The Department of Anthropology is proud to present the work of four movitivated high school students, who spent the summer studying digital storytelling with mentors Dr. Annapurna Pandey and Dr. Kati Greaney through the Science Internship Program. This internship program prepares bright bright high school students with professional digital storytelling skills and valuable life experience
Annapurna Pandey, a Department of Anthropology lecturer, served as primary mentor for the SIP research project, Technology and Oral Story Collection of Indian Immigrants in the USA. Students also worked with Kati Greaney, a lecturer in Film and Digital Media, and Crown College. This is the second year of the internship program and it was the only Anthropology project in the SIP this year.
Indians' California Dream
The internship work included all stages of the digital storytelling process, focusing on the experiences of immigrant parents, grandparents, and their American-born children. Students also worked on the topic of social media and mental health.
The project culminated in the presentation of the two videos seen here. According to student Mariza Villegas, “I learned how to properly conduct an interview, edit clips on Adobe Premiere, and find themes and connections between all the responses.”
Villegas says, “The SIP program has taught me research skills that will most likely help me in my college career, and further on. Through the research methods that my mentors have taught me and the workshops provided by SIP, I was able to enhance my researching skills, preparing me for the future.”
Social Media and Mental Health
In addition to professional skills in digital storytelling, the program provided important life experience for the young interns. According to intern Aditi Hanninamane, who herself traveled from India for the project, “Through this program I have learnt life skills. Coming out of my country for the first time alone, was a challenge. I had to adjust to the new place, new people and new culture. I built the ability to be independent, confident, and to trust and be diligent in everything I do. Working as a group, accepting others views, explaining my thought with clarity, building a storyline, understanding the importance of storytelling and photography skills are important tools that will help me going forward. Now I can confidently say that I can face any challenges that come my way with ease.”